Monday, February 19, 2007
Super Sharp French/Something weird
1.) Super sharp French

Last night, I played against an 1830 player. He used the French defense. I recently watched a FICS tutorial for the Tarrasch variation and even used it beforehand. But the resulting position that arose from that game was a little bland for my taste i.e. Massive piece exchanges that left us in the endgame by move 20, so I was looking for something "sharper". I don't know the theory, or what its called but the move order is:

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qg4 Nf6 5. Qxg7 Rg8 6. Qh6 c5

The games was really sharp with lots of tactics flying around. The kind of game I like. However, I lost due to my own incompetence, but I wouldn't mind going into such complications again.

2.) Something weird

When I was looking at a position without taking my eyes off the board, nothing seems to enter my brain. I mean, the calculation doesn't start - not unless I force it. I think this is the cause why I seem to have this lapse of concentration. Its just so hard forcing oneself each and every move. Its like wrestling with something immovable. I push and I push and I push, but sometime, somewhere I will get tired and do a "just" move and fall into trouble. Like the game above. My opponent's moves were pretty predictable - but somewhere along the way, I just lost it - figuratively and literally.

But when I was looking at the board again after the game - I inadvertently took my eyes away: suddenly variations upon variations flooded my brain. It flowed like water and I couldn't shut it down. Its like watching a chess movie.

What was that? And more importantly why didn't that happen during the game?

Strange, really strange..

But it occurs to me - maybe I should take my eyes off the board from time to time during a game. I wonder, would that trigger that variation processing phenomenon?

Has anybody experienced that? I know Shirov and some other GM's doesn't look at the board but stares at the ceiling, etc.. when playing. Then maybe it is really true that calculation is easier when one is NOT looking at the board...

Am I on to something here? Is this a repeatable phenomena or just a one time thing triggered by losing the game? hmm..

But tis curious no?

If this is indeed a repeatable, then its like discovering the atomic bomb. You realize what this can do for my chess?

But first, I would need a name to call it. "Chess co-processing unit"? "Ghost in a shell"? "The inner chess eye"? Or just "the eye"? How about "The inner player", or since I don't know where that came from "The stranger"?

"Image manipulator", "Variation resolver", "Movie maker", "Chess conscience", "The Void", "Chess Compass", "Chess addiction syndrome", "Variation factory", "Inquisitor", "Conduction engine", "Lecturebot", "Crackerbot", "Transmogrifier", etc.. etc..

posted by Nezha at 9:18 PM | Permalink |


  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Frank Sträter

    1) Looks like a French Winawer variation gone wrong (for white). Normally you want a pawn on e5 to prevent Nf6.

    1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 bxc3 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Qg4 Qc7 8. Qxg7 etc. is well-known sharp variation.

    2) You're on to something. It is similar to a principle in Taoist belief called Wu Wei, which roughly translates to "to not act". In chess it can be helpful to let go of focus from time to time by looking away or leave the board and walk around. It's the same when you try hard to remember something and only when you stop trying, it pops up in your head.