Sunday, June 05, 2005
My First Win Against Harmless
This was a game I played against harmless. It is round two of the knights tournament, I was white. Before this game, I havent won against harmless in all our previous encounters, so I have this nagging psycological barier I was trying to overcome. You know things like "Maybe I can't win against him" and some other stuff.

As a sidenote to this, the place I rented a computer at - had faulty equipment. So much so, that the mouse pointer was flying all over the place. It even caused me to drop a piece into a different square than I intended. But - it turned out to be the correct square all along. Talk about being lucky. Or maybe its just fate? Hehe -

Anyway, I dont have annotations as I dont have time - but the main thing here is that we are playing the ruy lopez. I was very happy when harmless played it against me. I have had lots of experience in this opening, and knew some of the strategies involved. I even had a CT-ART moment, so to speak. The knight fork I used to win a game, is straight out of my exercise book. Now thats pattern recognition for you.

Well - enjoy the game. And if you find something interesting, pleease drop me a line.

posted by Nezha at 11:37 PM | Permalink |


  • At 1:28 AM, Blogger Temposchlucker

    Wild game! Is gxf3 a usual strategy in this line?

  • At 2:59 AM, Blogger Nezha

    To Tempo -
    No, actually I misplayed the opening here. That bishop should not have been allowed to g4. But I played gxf3 because of the following reasons:

    1. Qxg3 loses a pawn without compensation

    2. Its true that my kingside will be a natural target for an attack, with that tempting
    open g-file - but without blacks light-squared bishop, he would be unable to exploit it.
    The game confirms this assessment. It was very hard to breach my position without that bishop. For practical purposes - the weakness proved to be illusional.

    3. I can use the g-file for myself. I was intending to double rooks there and attempt to storm blacks position. You would note there are some parts of the game where I had rook on g2, or g3. That was me trying to double. Its too bad, black prevented that plan.

    I actually saw some games like that. Where white, doubled rooks on an open g-file, then in conjunction with the queen, and the light-squared bishop (I have the light-squared bishop too) developed a strong attack. I was hoping for a similar development here.

    4. Plan number 2 - was to establish a broad pawn center. I was trying to put a pawns of d4, e4, and f4 - then roll it over blacks position - this also didnt happen in the game. But it was plan B at that time.

  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger bahus

    Good game!

    I like to play Ruy Lopez myself and usually if black plays early Bg4 before castling it is a mistake.

    a) I simply play d3 instead of d4 protecting the e-pawn.
    b) Then the usual knight move Nb1-d2
    c) Play h3 without losing a tempo, black must either exhange bishop for knight or withdraw bishop (after Nd2-f1-g3)

    - bahus

  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger Nezha

    To Harmless:

    > nezha, I don't think you understand. what does the light squared bishop have to do w/ it?

    Try this one - replace one of your knights with a light squared bishop. I think, the mating attack you are looking for will magically appear then.

    In my experience - A light-squared bishop is a very powerfull piece in launching kingside attacks

    -> I think tarrasch said something like - without the light-squared bishop, he cant think of any attacks.

    > my main strategic blunder was not trading for it (I had quite a few opportunities).
    wow - I actually was thinking of trading this piece. Its good I didnt do it then.

    > what was your plan this game anyway?
    Apart from the two plans I outlined above - my most primitive setup was to simply acauire space and try to ground you down. That's it. I wasnt planning on mating attacks or opening files, etc.. It was just to hem your pieces in, then maintain the tension as long as possible - In hopes that you would do something to alleviate that pressure - (like maybe sacrifice something?) only then do I form an active plan.

    This is my new "No hurry - Waiting policy" plan. I find it works suprisingly. But now that you know my secret - I'd have to watch out on our next game then =>

  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger Pale Morning Dun - Errant Knight de la Maza

    Sweet game. How did you manage to get that the java applet on your blog? That would make life absolutely great for me when showing my games.

  • At 10:19 PM, Blogger Nezha

    To Harmless

    Hmm - my understanding may be flawed. Good for me you didnt take advantage =>

    To PMD
    I used an iframe tag. The details is in alter goniffs blog on on may 20 - "The Quick&Dirty Guide to Using LT-PGN-Viewer". But basically, you just save the game in HTML format, then put the URL link inside an iframe command like so -

    <iframe name="mygame" scrolling="no" src="" height="380" width="100%"></iframe">

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