Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Lessons From the Great Uncle (2)
Hmm, trying to discuss the previous game seemed to solidify my thoughts regarding some of the lessons on attacking play that I learned from Uncle Nezhu. So now, I am gonna do it again. This game can be viewed here

The funny thing about this game, is that it has the same players and the opening played is the same as in the last game. And well, I'll let the game explain itself

[White "Lilienthal A"]
[Black "Nezhmetdinov R"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E67/08"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 d6 3.Nc3 e5 4.Nf3 Nbd7
5.g3 g6 6.Bg2 Bg7 7.O-O O-O 8.b3 exd4
9.Nxd4 Nc5 10.b4 Ne6 11.Nb3 Nd7 12.Bb2 Ne5
13.Na5 Nd4 14.a3 c5 15.Na4 Bg4 16.Bxd4 cxd4
17.Bxb7 h5 18.Bg2 h4 19.h3 Be6 20.Rc1 Rc8
21.Nb2 hxg3 22.fxg3 Bh6 23.Rc2 Be3+ 24.Kh2 Ng4+
25.Kh1 Kg7 26.Qe1 Rh8 27.Nd1 Rxh3+ 28.Bxh3 Qh8
29.Kg2 Qxh3+ 30.Kxh3 Rh8+ 31.Kg2 Rh2+ 32.Kf3 Ne5+
33.Ke4 f5 34.Rxf5 gxf5 0-1

Here are my general impressions

Move 1- 17
Standard Opening to Middlegame moves. Again, both the players developed normally. No attacks, no nothing. Just normal moves. Things almost seems sedate. I must really remember to pace my games like this.

Now, it is very interesting that up to now, this game is proceeding exactly the same way that the last game did. Maybe GM Lilienthal found an important novelty?

Move 18: Bg2 h4
We saw again an important technique that Mr. Nezh constantly employs in his games. The patented "Please win my rook" maneauver. This is the way to create tactics against strong opponents who never blunders. You have to offer them something they can't refuse. Delicious things like a rook and some pawns. Only in this way can the necessary chaos be created against such strong opposition.

Of course, after what happened the last time, GM Lilienthal declined. But it seems to me that the bishop manuever was inconsistent. Why take a pawn now? White won a pawn true, but at what cost. For the price of the pawn, important tempos was gained for an assault on the H-File.

It may seem to be negligible at this stage of the game, but a whole lot of white's trouble was the direct result of taking this little thing.

Must remember to put this in my bag of tricks, this "poisoned" pawn. Previously,losing a single one caused me grief. But this game had shown me that a small pawn sacrifice can pay enourmous dividends.

Move 20 Rc1
Did black really threatened to win the c4 pawn here? I think white should have let this pawn go and try to bring the knights to the kingside.

Move 23 Rc2 Be3+
It is amazing. Everything seems so natural. The dark bishop now finds a powerful post. It even seemed like white helped him by putting that rook on c1, thereby enabling the bishop to come here wihtout lost of tempo.(Not that I think black would take it anyway) Holding on to the c4 pawn caused this. Again, the pawns. They have had enourmous influence in the game so far.

Move 24..Ng4+
A knight sacrifice. If white takes this, the defense of the kingside becomes very difficult. The two bishops are bearing down hard. The queen is just a jump away. And then there is that open H-file. That very same file which was opened for black's b-pawn by the way. The poison is now being felt.

Of course compared to what really happened, maybe white should have taken it anyway.

Move 27.Nd1 Rxh3+
Three moves ahead, and we find that white wants to dislodge that dark-squared bishop. But it is already too late. All the preparations for a combination was finished. All those tempo gained by black, for the black b-pawn and the white c-pawn ultimately had fatal consequences.

Now, before we proceed, it can be noted that Nezhmetdinov again prepared his combinations by posting his pieces near the white king-side and opening lines
and diagonals. The assault is very concentrated. He did not get sidetracked by trying to win material here, or checking there. Things that a weekie like me would have done.

This patience in preparation despite great pressure is one of the hallmarks of great attackers I think. Everything was mobilized, every possible lines are opened. Then, and only then was the combination carried out.

Now, everything that follows is forced

Move 34.Rxf5 gxf5 0-1

Checkmate. Poor GM Lilienthal. Like in the last game, mate was achived from pieces coming from the H-File. What irony. He hadnt found an important novelty after all.

Now, The following quote was a description of Nezhmetdinovs play. Lets see if its true:

Well, color won't matter. Nezhmetdinov can play any opening. Somewhere he will sacrifice a pawn for the initiative (The b-pawn). Then he will sacrifice another. Then he will sacrifice a piece for an attack(The knight). The he'll probably sacrifice another piece to drive your king in the center (The queen,and the rook). Then he will checkmate you. (Yes the king was in the very center. The e4 square to be precise)

We'll, thats all I've got to say now. I hope I remember all the things I said here. Otherwise, I am such a big fool.

I am going on a weeklong vacation and so I may not be able to post. But I plan on doing the exercises till my eyes bleed. In fact, I am gagging on the exercises right now. Doing it everyday is like eating fried chicken all the time. Its supposed to be delicious, but boy! I've been wanting to throw up. Can't wait to finish this circles so I can go and eat another food.
posted by Nezha at 2:48 AM | Permalink |